You can change the store setting  by navigating to your Dashboard > Admin > Settings

Social Links:

Personal or Business Social Media Accounts can be added for promotion and another way or customers/potential customers to reach you. 

Teams & Policy:

Terms and policy of your shop can be added and edited here, when customer will buy or sign up he will need to click "I Agree to the terms". (Please note this is not the refund and return policy. 

Site Logo:

You can add your business logo here, the recommended size is 238 X 55 pixels the logo will appear in few places in your store: in the header, at the store footer, at the login and register pages.

Site Favicon:

Upload your site favicon, which will appear on the browser tab.
This help to recognize your brand.

Login Background:

You can add an image background to your login and sign up pages, just enter a link of the image and click save.
We do not recommend to add as it may cause extra time to open your page on different browser and special on mobile devices.

Site Name:

This is the name which will be in the invoices, in your sharing posts and on the browser tab.
Use your full store name, for example if you store address is "" then you can name your store as:  "The Best Pets deals".

Contact Email:

The is the email your customers will contact you! make sure you enter a correct email.

It will appear in your invoice on your store footer.

Google Analytics ID:

If you would like to track your visitors and get better understanding on your store visitors - connect your Google analytics account.
Just enter you G-Analytics Id click save and you will be connected.
*You can also enter you G-Tag Manager ID - then you can manage all your tags from one place.


To run eCommerce store and promote it, you are requested to provide a phone number (Requested by Google and Facebook)

Header Tags:

In case you need to add a META Tag to verify your shop, you can enter it here (this is the same as the Google Site Verification

My Own Domain:

Want to use your own domain? you will need to create a CNAME at your domain provider and direct it to your store link.